
"Peace requires the simple but powerful recognition that what we have in common as human beings is more important and crucial than what divides us."
-Sargent Shriver

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mambo No. 5

No, this doesn't stand for that song from the 90s now stuck in your head, your welcome.

5=Top 5

-The US election was called at approximately 8 am Wednesday morning, so the TZ newspapers reported it Thursday.  Regardless, villagers with no electricity nor news outlets knew within 24 hours.  I stayed up at the Dodoma hotel to watch with a few others and send text messages to volunteers stuck in the vill....it was a lot different from watching the results in Hastings, NE in 2008.

-Headed to Iringa for a week of Community Theater Training.  Land of good shopping, valleys, and pizza DELIVERED!  Whaaaaa?  We had our theater performance for a school in which I played a prostitue.  My costume was a skirt just above my knee and a tank top-I felt SO SCANDALOUS!  Good thing I'm coming back to 'Merica when people are in layers.  Meanwhile my counterpart (TZ person we choose/bring to trainings to make what we take back to our communities more sustainable), Baba Mushi, probably has the worst coordination I've ever seen.  It was like he was intentionally trying to clap like he was catching a fly during our warm-ups.  Regardless, he is incredibly commited and has already written our action plan, budget and concept paper to start trainings and performances throughout Dodoma in January.  On it!

-Got to spend my 2nd Thanksgiving in Tanga, again.  My homestay Mama was so excited to have her 'two daughters' (a new volunteer is staying there now) that she made my favorite meal of chapati and cabbage!  I also discovered that Mkokora remembers me not as a volunteer or that tall girl, but 'Mama Kucheka.'  Aka, they remember me laughing, a lot.

-I don't know why, but sandwiches sound so good right now. 

-Today is a very special day, as it is Brett Michael Wood's birthday.  He has been such a support to me during my time here and I have to use this space to brag about him just a bit.  Between writing letters and skype and now making his first trip across any ocean to visit-he's nothing short of amazing.  I don't know how I could handle this experience without him.  Also, he's old.  I'm young.  He's short.  I'm tall. 

Finally, just to mix in a bit of entertainment, below is the link to Mahove Cultural Tours.  It is the cultural tourism project of my friend down in Iringa region.  I got to visit her and make this video, all for work.  We got to stay in a boma on cowhides for a night, walk through the village with two Rhianna loving Masai, and learn how to stuff a ball of ugali in our mouths and drown it down with fresh milk.

Drats!  The link isn't working.  You will get it soon, in the meantime, check out their facebook site.


*My camera is broken, pole sana.